Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day One Hundred Forty Five: Turtle-y Good Brownie

A few days ago I came across Martha's recipe for Turtle Brownies.  The recipe describes them as a "moist, chocolaty brownie topped with caramel and nuts."

You had me at caramel.

If caramel had a fan club, I would be the president.  My husband's Aunt Jane makes caramel candies from scratch.  They are sweet, chewy bites of browned sugar heaven; and, because she is tantamount to my very personal candy fairy, she sends me these caramel candies every Christmas.

I love Jane.

But back to the Turtle Brownies:  these brownies are ah-ma-zing.  It is totally worth the pain effort it takes to make the caramel topping.  It will take most of your willpower to wait the hour it takes for the topping to chill in the refrigerator.  Refrain yourself.  It's worth the wait.

p.s.  These are richer than Bill Gates, so you'll want to share with a friend.

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