Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day One Hundred Sixty Eight: Gold Medal Chicken and Broccoli Pockets

My children, like most elementary-age children, don't like to try new things.  They also don't like food that has been mixed together.  The more room between the spaghetti and sauce, the better.  Getting them to try new food that is mixed together is worthy of a gold medal.  :hello, Michael Phelps:

So, it was with some trepidation that I served Martha's Chicken and Broccoli Pockets tonight.  I was ready for the hard sell: 

"It's like pizza, but rolled up!" 

"It's chicken and cheese and broccoli!  You love that stuff!"

"If you eat it, I'll buy you a car!"

(That last one was for emergency purposes only.) 

So I was surprised when my kids not only ate these, but actually told me they liked them!  I nearly did a victory dance around the kitchen.  

In reality, I actually did do a victory dance, but it was only in front of the sink, and no one witnessed it.

It's all cool.  But if you see me on a box of Wheaties, you'll know why.

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