Friday, August 31, 2012

Day One Hundred Seventy Seven: There's A Mouse in My House

My daughter's class is talking about the creation story this week...not the Big Bang/ evolution of species one, but the one where an omnipresent being created the world and everything in it in seven days.

And you thought Martha was busy.

To go along with the story, I made Martha's Meringue Mice.  (It's a leap, I know. It was the best I could do.  You try finding a dessert you can relate to the creation of the entire universe.)  The recipe is a basic meringue recipe, but because of various distractions (holy hectic phone calls, Batman!) it took me three tries before I got the recipe right.

When I finally was happy with the meringue, I piped two blobs (technical culinary term) of meringue with my trusty pastry bag. I used a tweezer to apply black sesame seeds for the nose and eyes, and licorice for the tails.  Martha used slivered almonds for the ears, but because of the whole nut-allergy thing with kids, I used pink jelly beans.  They turned out like this:

I thought they were pretty dang cute, but my husband said they creeped him out.  They sort of look like little lab mice, which I guess is sort of creepy.  I didn't take a photo of all of them, but there were about fifty. I sort of felt like a cartoon villain, creating my own little mouse army for some nefarious purpose.

A really adorable, teeny-tiny mouse army.  That might cute you to death.

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