Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day Sixty Six: Lattice Eat Tarts: Summer Squash Lattice Tart

After my failed frittata on Thursday, I needed to try something more familar:  the tart.  I've tried several tarts before and I've been pretty successful.  :notbragging:  I'm not really sure how a tart is different from a quiche, other than a tart is baked in a nifty tart pan, where a quiche is usually baked in a regular pie pan.  When finished, the tart can be popped out of it's cute little pan to show off it's ruffly edge and delicious crust.  I make a mean crust.  :braggingnow:

I wanted to make Martha's Summer Squash Lattice Tart because it looks pretty impressive and sounds delicious. 

The tart in question:

After you make the crust dough and manage to get it into the fancy pan, you have to "blind bake" the  crust.  This is the crust filled with pie weights ready to be cooked:

Once the crust bakes for a while, you have to remove the pie weights and stick it back into the oven to bake some more.  Note: these pie weights are made of metal.  Metal gets hot in the oven.   Some people (namely myself) seem to forget this fact at shocking regularity.

Once the crust is cooked, you fill it with the squash mixture and top with gruyere cheese.

This is the fun part: weaving the lattice.

This isn't as easy as it looks...especially if your stupid fancy mandolin won't cooperate, and instead of giving you lovely long slices of squash and zucchini, you end up with slices that look like you used a chainsaw to cut them.

The finished product looks pretty good from afar, but this is the tell-all close up:

That's ok.  It looked delicious on my plate with a glass of fume blanc.

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