Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day Eighty Six: Sugar Tax

I have a five-year old son.  He is a very active boy.  I often joke that he has two speeds:  run and sleep.  There is no middle-ground.  If I could find the source of his energy, I could solve the country's dependence on foreign fuels.  We could just put him on a large hamster wheel and let him go.  Despite being the sweetest boy ever, he gets a lot of attention from his teachers because he is so active.  "Attention" as in:  "Please sit down", "Please stand in line", "Please go back to your seat", "Please stay in your seat", etc... He doesn't exactly get into trouble, but I know it must get annoying to his teachers.

And that is why I pay The Tax:  The Boy Tax.

The Girl Tax is paid in shoes, dresses and weddings. The Boy Tax is paid in emergency room visits, bulk purchases of stain remover, and gifts of thanks and apology.  Gift of Thanks and Apology as in "thanks for putting up with my son, I'm sorry he: broke that window/ kidnapped your cat/ let the class frog loose at assembly."

As a thank-you for his teachers' patience and love, this year's payment is in sugar.  As in sugar cookies.

As you might remember, I'm not so adept at icing sugar cookies.  That attempt was traumatic enough that I'm not ready to try icing cookies again.  I'm mentally scarred.  But I will try making sugar cookies again...this time with sprinkles.

I used Martha's Heart Sugar Cookie Recipe.  The recipe tastes great, but I obviously have some sort of mental defect when it comes to rolling dough.  I simply cannot make the dough uniformly flat. It's always too thick in the middle and too thin on the ends.  It only took me about five eleven tries to create a sugar cookie that didn't fall apart.

After about an hour worth of rolling, cutting, cursing, and re-rolling, I ended up with about a dozen decent-looking cookies:

 I layered the cookies and put each in a little bag with ribbon that reads:  Sweets to the Sweet.

Add a note thanking each teacher for all her hard work and there you go:  Boy Tax paid.

Until next year...

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