Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day Eighty Two: Hi-Ho Silver! Beach Bag

Meet my old beach bag.

This is my "old" beach bag not because it has been replaced by a new beach bag, but because it is, indeed, old.

I purchased this bag in 1996 at the Gap, during my freshman year in college, after I aced passed my biology exam.  It's most redeeming feature is that the woven straw has lots of very large holes through which the sand can easily fall through.

That's my nice way of saying it's not the cutest bag I've ever seen.

So when I saw Martha's feature on silver Spray-Painted Accessories, I couldn't help but see if I could improve the old beach bag.

I happened to have some sterling silver spray paint left over from another project, so before I could have second thoughts, I started painting.  This is the result:

It's not bad.  It looks like...well, it looks like I spray painted my beach bag.  I'm coming around to it, really.  But considering how it originally looked, I can't say this is a failed project.

Did I mention this bag has very large holes through which the sand can easily fall through?

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