Monday, May 21, 2012

Day Seventy Five: Coming Out of the Closet

The other day when I was doing my Monthly Homekeeping chore list, I dusted the shelves in my closet. You might not think that your closet gets that dirty, but frankly I was appalled at the dust bunnies that had taken up residence there.  In addition to the dust bunny colony, I also noticed that my closet was rather full of clothes I don't wear very often.

Or, more accurately, clothes that have not seen the outside of my closet in over a year. Or two.

Oh, I have put on those clothes and sauntered over to my full-length mirror; but, those clothes have not actually been worn in public for quite some time.  They had to go.

Martha suggests you make space in your closet by getting rid of clothes you no longer wear.  Make three piles of items: those to donate, those to throw away, and those to sell.  I didn't have anything to throw away or sell, but I did compile three large bags of clothes to donate.  And I didn't even get to my husband's side of the closet.

What got the ax?  Several unflattering shirts, some ugly maternity gear, a pink halter top from 1998 and a faux-fur vest bought in a misguided attempt at mountain chic.

Finally, my clothes are coming out of the closet.

1 comment:

  1. This inspired me to go through my closet and give a boatload of stuff to my cleaning lady. Way less scary than dusting in there.
