Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day Fifty Seven: Cinqo de Mexican Wedding Cookies

Saturday is Cinqo de Mayo.  Tomorrow (Thursday) my son's class is celebrating this holiday with Mexican food at snack time.  I've volunteered to bring Mexican Wedding Cookies.  There is one teensy problem:  I've never before made Mexican Wedding Cookies.  I've never before eaten Mexican Wedding Cookies.  

I've never even been to a Mexican Wedding.   

I started before panic set in and chose Martha's recipe for Mexican Wedding Cookies listed on p. 96 of her Baking Handbook.  It's similar to this recipe, except that the recipe I used makes approximately five thousand cookies.  Actually it makes about six dozen cookies, which seems like five thousand when you have to roll those puppies.

You start with pecans:

Then you add flour, butter and sugar. When you are finished, you roll the dough into little balls and bake:

Then you roll those little balls in powdered sugar and you have a Mexican Wedding Cookie:

It's one thing to bake something.  It's quite another to bake something and not know what it's supposed to taste like.  These cookies look good.  They taste good.  But even in the highly unlikely event that these cookies are epic, I wouldn't know.  In the end, I'm just happy they are coated in powdered sugar.  This fact alone is like an insurance policy that guarantees kids will eat them.

Happy Cinqo de Mayo!

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