Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day Eighty Five: You Say Panini, I say Panino

Confession:  I know eating carbs isn't cool anymore, but I just can't resist a good sandwich.  Add cheese and throw it on the grill and I'm in Panini Paradise.  Point of fact:  the word panini is derived from the Italian word panino, which means "grilled in heaven".*

*Not really. 

Today I had a craving for a panini.  Specifically something with fresh mozzarella.  Martha's Pressed Mozzarella Sandwich fit the bill.

The recipe itself is super simple.  If you have store-bought pesto, tapenade, and bread, all you need is some fresh mozzarella cheese (the ball stuff in liquid), and you have the makings of one delicious panini.  Use a grill pan or an actual grill if you want the cool grill marks.

I know what you're thinking:  I had you at cheese.  This is the delicious product:

My husband liked this panini so much, he asked for seconds.   All went well until I flipped the sandwich to toast the other side and all the toppings fell out onto the stove.  

That is called a panino imbecillio, which is Italian for "sandwich grilled by idiot".          

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