Monday, May 7, 2012

Day Sixty One: Post-Party Hangover Remedies

Since I started this project, there have been several mornings where I've woken up wondering whether Martha has a remedy for hangovers.  I woke up Sunday feeling quite good, if not a little tired from all that walking up and down a ladder.  But I thought I should research the topic for future reference...

Maybe I should not have been surprised to find that Martha has a very detailed remedy for hangovers. According to Martha, you should do the following:

Eat:  Eat foods high in antioxidants, omega-3s, and potassium.
(Note to self: before next party stock up on blueberries, walnuts and bananas.)
Take:  Vitamin B, drink milk-thistle tea.
(Note to self: find out what in the heck a milk-thistle is; make tea.)
Do:  Physical Activity, like a 20-minute walk to jump-start feel-good chemicals like serotonin.
(Note to self: after next party, schedule play date with neighbors' kids.)

Darn. And all these years my hangover remedy has been eating the greasiest food I could lay my hands on and sleeping it off on the couch. :KnewSomethingWasWrong:

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