Monday, May 14, 2012

Day Sixty Eight: Teacher's Got a Brand New Bag

Summer vacation is almost upon us.  Before the stressful lazy days of Summer start, we must say farewell to those who have helped our offspring learn through the year.

This means Teacher Gifts.

My mother-in-law was a pre-school teacher for most of her adult life.  Before she retired, I saw all the impersonal delightful gifts kids gave her every year.  She had a whole Christmas tree of plastic apple and book ornaments that said things like, "Teachers R #1".  Truthfully, I think she loved every one but I couldn't help wondering what she really wanted.

For putting up with his antics, my son's teachers probably deserve a week at the spa.  Since I'm not Daddy Warbucks,  they are going to get a personalized bag, inspired by Martha.

To me, anything monogramed is top-of-the-charts.   Accordingly, his teachers should have monogramed bags, but there's one problem:  I don't know either teacher's middle name.  I felt a little awkward asking, considering we are not on a first-name basis.  So I decided to do a two-letter monogram.  I found these messenger bags and thought they were pretty cute.

I created a monogram on my computer and printed it out on some iron-on paper:

I highly recommend reading the directions for your particular paper, before you start.  I did not. Well, I read them, but it was while I was feeding my infant and refereeing the older two kids.  Luckily, I managed not to ruin either bag, but it was a close call.

Finished products:

They turned out pretty cute and I think (hope) my son's teachers will use them.

These bags aren't a week at the spa, but they've got to be better than plastic Christmas ornaments.

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