Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day Sixty Four: Frittata Yo' Mama!

I don't even know what that title means.  It just sounded good.

At any rate, I made Martha's broccoli and cheese frittata from her 2002 MS Living Annual Recipes Cookbook, p. 117.  I don't know if Martha still puts together a compendium of her annual recipes, but she should.  This cookbook rocks.  (Props to my parents-in-law who knew just what to buy me for Christmas in 2002.)  

I've never made this recipe, but the photo just looks good, so I had to try it.

Let me start by saying this:  I am a pretty adventurous eater.  I like to eat a variety of things, cooked (and uncooked) many different ways. (See shellfish, raw beef,  and raw oysters among many things.)  I'm not picky, but there are a few things I cannot tolerate:  overcooked meat,  sauerkraut,  and overcooked eggs.  :thinking:  Yes, I think that's all.  

You will quickly see where this is going when I tell you that Frittatas are an Italian omelet.  As in eggs. The difference between the French omelet (what Americans normally eat) and the frittata, is that the ingerdients in the latter are mixed in rather than sprinkled on top.  A frittata is firmer than a traditional omelet because it's cooked very slowly over low heat, where an omlet is usually cooked quickly over moderately high heat.

This frittata is made with numerous egg whites that are whisked until light and foamy.  I don't know whether I over-whisked the eggs (blame crying baby) or let it cook too long (blame my forgetting to turn on the timer), but when I took it out of the oven, it looked like this:

Hmmm...Not exactly delectable, despite the yummy goat cheese.

I did try to eat it.   Really I did.

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