Monday, May 7, 2012

Day Sixty: Derby Streamers

Saturday was a crazy day.  Our Derby Party started at 4:00 p.m. and we were busy with preparations right up until everyone arrived.

My Martha project for the day was to create a Streamer Backdrop for our bar. Below is my finished product, which was passable.  The sun was much too bright to get a decent photo of it, but you can trust me when I say it was not as spectaclar-looking as Martha's.  No one commented on its loveliness, but no one made fun of it either.  What you won't see in the photo is how many times I nearly fell off the ladder while I was installing it, or how many times my children asked me what exactly I was doing.  Curious little buggers.

The resulting backdrop flowed pleasingly in the wind...

Other highlights included Martha's Strawberry Lemonade, which no one drank...probably because they were too busy drinking my Concord Grape Mint Julep, which is not a Martha recipe, but I'm including it anyway.  Considering it uses seven different spices and over an hour to make one batch, it really should be a Martha recipe. :hint hint, Martha:
Thanks to my sweet and talented neighbor Kevin who took the above photo.

I found this ridiculously cute sign at bhldn. I was not above begging for the very last one, but thank you, Lindsey, for not making me. 

And in case you didn't see, the winner of the Kentucky Derby was a horse aptly named, I'll Have Another.

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