Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day Fifty Eight: My Husband's an Angel (Food Cake)

I love my husband.  I give him lots of grief, but he is an angel.  And while I'm sure I'm a pleasure and joy to live with, he does put up with a lot from me.  To show him how much I love and appreciate him, I'm baking him one of his favorite desserts: angel food cake.

I've never made angel food cake before because my husband has built a pedestal for this dessert that is so high, Cheech and Chong could not reach it.  According to him, his mother makes fantastic angel food cake and therefore it's become something of legend at our house.

I chose Martha's recipe from her Baking Handbook on p. 178.  It's very similar to this recipe and according to Martha, virtually fat free.

Wait, what???!?!?

I have been reading diet and fitness magazines since first grade (practically) and I have never known that Angel Food Cake was so....well, angelic.  And now I know why everyone in my husband's family is so thin.

It's that dang Angel Food Cake.

I grew up eating (fattening) pecan pie and (more fattening) bread pudding.  Meanwhile my husband and his family were enjoying the dessert equivalent of rice cakes.

The cake itself only has a few ingredients.  If you have an electric mixer, the cake practically makes itself.  :blatant lie:  The hardest part is "folding" the flour into the batter so it doesn't delate.  No, that's not true. The hardest part is keeping your children's hands out of the batter.    

Cake batter ready for the oven.

Cake fresh from the oven:  

Completed cake with (homemade) whipped cream:

My husband was very diplomatic about this dessert.  He said the cake was "more dense" than he was used to...but that it looked just like Martha's.  He blamed the recipe.  Either way, it didn't stop him from polishing off a quarter of the whole cake.

I told you he was an angel.

1 comment:

  1. You misspelled "angle". And I have never known anyone to be passionate about angle food cake. In my book it's a vessel for whipped cream and strawberries. Yours looks lovely though!
