Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day Eighty Three: Traditional Stir-Fried American

A few days ago, I went to the grocery to pick up a few things for Memorial Day.  You know: burgers, buns, hotdogs.....the sort of things one traditionally eats on Memorial Day.  I was all prepared.  Memorial Day rolls around and the burgers are cooking on the grill.  In comes my husband, informing me the burgers will be finished in a few minutes.  Would I be so kind as to prepare the side?

I think it was the deer-in-the-headlights look that gave me away:  I forgot to buy anything for a side.


I quickly set down the baby, hopped over three Matchbox cars and ran to the refrigerator to find....asparagus.  There I am at the open refrigerator with a bunch of asparagus and approximately four minutes until a ravenous family descends upon me.

Fortunately, after one search for "asparagus" at MarthaStewart.com, I found a recipe for stir-fried asparagus.  And that's what I made.  Because it takes approximately three minutes to make.  And when one thinks "Traditional American Holiday Fare", one also thinks: "Stir-Fried Asparagus".

Or that's what I told my children.

And this is the reason why, in twenty years, I will still be serving Stir-Fried Asparagus for Memorial Day.

Happy Memorial Day.

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