Friday, May 25, 2012

Day Seventy Eight: Thanks for the Memories

My son's last day of pre-school is Thursday.  His classmates have contributed to a gift and made cards for both teachers. One of the parents complied pictures of the kids and had photo books made.  It really is a very touching little offering by an adorable group of five year olds.  I decided to take this little treasure and put it all in a Memory Box. If the teachers have any keepsakes from the year, there is room to add them as well.

You'll notice the origami envelope  for the gift card.  I'm still a little twitchy from that debacle. Now, every time I turn my back, I make sure and locate Little Miss Piillowbox Mangler, a.k.a. my oldest daughter.  I need to make sure she's not creeping up behind me to "borrow" anything while I'm not looking.

Wrapped memory box, from Martha's collection at Staples.  The labels are from her collection as well.

My son made a card for each teacher.  On the front, he drew two stick figures:  he and his teacher.  It is very sweet.  I assume he is the one on the right with the spiky hair and she is the one on the left with the long hair.  I find it terribly funny that in his effort to be anatomically correct, he has made the both of them look like Edward Scissorhands.

I wonder if Martha has any drawing tips.

1 comment:

  1. As a former pre-school teacher, I say kudos for a great.teacher gift!! Down with candles, Christmas ornaments and body lotion!
