Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day Seventy Seven: Glass Act

As you may have noticed, we entertain often...and often in large numbers.  So I've acquired a collection of glassware for beverages of the grape variety.  I haven't counted recently, but I probably have about 100 wine glasses.  When they aren't in use, they need to be stored.  I only have a couple spots to squirrel away glasses when not in use...and it's like sardines in there.  I've been storing them in the boxes they came in, but the boxes have become cumbersome.

That's a nice way of saying they are a pain in my behind.

I saw Martha's idea to store glasses using a Tray Shelf Divider, which allows you to store lots of glasses in a small space.  Looks like a winner to me.

This was a pretty challenging task.  :stretching:  First you put a layer of seldom used glasses on the bottom.  Then, stick a tray over the first layer of glasses.  Then place another layer of glasses on top of the tray.

Whew.  :wipesforehead:  Toughie.

There you go:

I know you are impressed.  Try not to gawk.

I now have a home for almost 60 glasses, where I could only fit about 30 before.   :organizingsuperstar:

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to cover my eyes if I'm there when you unload the top shelf....
