Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day Two Hundred Thirty-Four: Haunted House Cake, Part II

On Thursday I started Martha's Haunted House Cake for my son's 6th birthday party.  It is a time-sonsuming process, so it took me two days.  

Friday, Day Two:

Supports had to be cut and inserted into the first layer of the cake.  It pained me a little to stick these into the cake....I can't take them out if I screw up:

Then the second layer is (gently) put on top:

Pearls are piped around the bases of both cakes to hide the ugly cardboard bases:

But we aren't done yet....

I had to bake the brownies for steps...and place them into the side of the cake with toothpicks:

Action shot:

And then shave the chocolate "grass" for the haunted house lawn:

The final product:

Could someone move that purse, please?  Notice my son's fingers itching to touch that little rubber mouse.

I will note that that adorable little house and tree on top of the cake are supposed to be made out of cookie....a fact I didn't realize until Thursday and after I had already cut the buggers out of cardstock.  I was going to attempt to make the cookie shapes on Friday, until my eldest daughter woke up sick with a stomach bug.  So cardstock had to do...

Even without the cookie house, the cake was delicious (if I do say so myself) and still ridiculously adorable.

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