Monday, October 8, 2012

Day Two Hundred Fifteen: Easiest-Cookies-In-The-World: Palmiers

I had some leftover puff pastry from Martha's Chicken Pot Pies the other day, so I decided to use it to make Martha's Palmiers.  I had never made Palmiers before, but they are basically just puff pastry, sprinkled with sugar, then rolled into a cute little shape. They have only two ingredients:  sugar and pastry.

It's true.  These are probably the easiest cookies in the world.

These are Martha's:

These are mine: 

I had to show you Martha's photo, because my photo was a little anti-climatic.  :sad:

These Palmiers were fun to make.  (It's also fun to say.  Use your best French accent:  Palmiers!)  My kids went a little crazy sprinkling the sugar over the pastry, and I had to intervene and roll the pasty into a neat roll.  They were good to eat....I wouldn't buy or make puff pastry expressly for this purpose, but how often can you use dinner leftovers to make cookies?  That makes it a winner in my book.


  1. I think its safe to say that I can drop by most afternoons for a sweet fix - There, I said it, I'll see you tomorrow at 2:00! XO
