Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day Two Hundred Ten: Spaghetti Squash Con

Like most young children, my kids love pasta.  Especially plain pasta with butter.  :yawn:  They would eat pasta for every meal if I let them. When I saw Martha's recipe for Roasted Spaghetti Squash with Herbs, my Brilliant Evil-Genius Mind thought,

"I can make them think vegetables are pasta!" Hahahahahahahahahah!!!!  :evil genius laugh:

Did it work?!?!?  No.

But it should have.  I think my Brilliant Evil-Genius Plan went awry somewhere.  This is what happened:

I started with a spaghetti squash, cut in half, brushed with olive oil, sprinkled with salt and BROWN SUGAR.  (Seriously, this recipe had something going for it.)

Cooked spaghetti squash:

I even let my son scrape the squash to make the "spaghetti" so he would believe me.

I had to use all my tom-foolery to make my daughter eat even two bites of this....and that was after I pulled out the coveted Pink-Princess spoon.  There is still a lot left:

Outcome:  Evil Genius Plan backfired.  But isn't that how all those Evil Genius Plans go?


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