Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day Two Hundred Twenty: Chocolate Sandwich Cookies for Kids

My kids love to bake.  They are great helpers, even if they often wander off when things aren't so exciting.  They helped me make Martha's Chocolate Sandwich Cookies, but went missing when I started cleaning up.

The cookies were easy to make, but pay attention:  the cookies start out brown so when they start to over-bake, you may not notice....until one of your children smells something burning.

Luckily the second batch was just fine.

We filled ours with whipped cream, mostly because I didn't have all the ingredients to make the mint filling, and Martha uses whipped cream in her Baking Handbook (p. 108).

The final product looks a lot like an over-sized Oreo cookie:

And much like an Oreo cookie, my kids ate the filling before they could be tempted into eating the cookie.  Either way, they were a really fun treat to eat and to make.

Now if I could just get them to clean the kitchen...

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