Monday, October 1, 2012

Day Two Hundred Eight: Wall Washing Warning

Fall Cleanup 2012*  (Part One)

*Alternative title of this Blog entry and suggested campaign slogan.  For either side.  

When was the last time you vacuumed your walls?  That's not a typo and no, I have not lost my mind.  If you are anything like me, the answer is never.  I'm guessing that I'm probably in pretty good company since I've wracked my brain and cannot recall a single conversation with friends that included the phrase, "when I was vacuuming my walls..."

:thinking again:

Nope, never heard it.  That would have certainly got my attention.

Apparently, one is supposed to vacuum one's walls (and ceilings) once or twice a year.  (MS Homekeeping Handbook, p. 502.)  I'm way behind.  This is over and above dusting the cobwebs from the corners, too.

I noticed my walls on Saturday night after coming home from dinner out.  As I was walking upstairs, I noticed something on my wall.  Being much too tipsy tired to investigate at the time, I figured it was just a shadow cast by a streetlight.  I woke up the next morning and realized it was a very small dust bunny.

On my wall, people.

It was an eye-opener to say the least.  For a demonstration and your amusement, this is the Swiffer I used to wipe down my foyer.  I also vacuumed it but it's hard to take a photo of dirt in a vacuum.  (I imagine.  I didn't actually try.)

I'm pretty sure I have now eradicated all wall-dust-bunny refugees.  They are bad enough finding them under your on my walls too?

Be on the lookout.  I saw them headed your way.

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