Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day One Hundred Forty Two: All Hail! Buttermilk Chicken Caesar Salad

After all those cookies recently, I needed to eat a little something healthy.  Or healthy-ish, at least.  My healthy(ish) quest ended when I found Martha's Buttermilk Chicken Caesar Salad.  Looks delicious and easy.  And, what's more healthy(ish) than a salad, right?

This recipe calls for you to cook the chicken using the broiler, a.k.a. My Cooking Appliance Nemesis.  I hate the broiler.  It's pretty much a crap shoot on results; the only guarantee is that some portion of the dish will be burned.  On this occasion, the edges of the chicken breast turned out crispy and black.

That wasn't really the look I was going for.

After salvaging the remainder of the chicken from the stupid broiler however, the dish came together in a snap.  It made a great summer dinner.  Even my husband (who claims to not like chicken) liked it.  He even ate seconds.  I sort of felt like a victorious Caesar himself.

Now, where's my toga?

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