Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day One Twenty Five: Holy Grail of Burgers

My husband loves hamburgers.

In fact, if I locked him in a room with a lifetime supply of hamburgers and access to ESPN, he would deem himself personally blessed by the hand of God.  He wouldn't even attempt escape. He might not even realize he was locked in until football season was over.    

Because he is a hamburger junkie, he considers himself the Chief Judge of all hamburgers on the planet. He likes to compare them.  He's sort of a Consumer Reports for beef products.  This rating applies not only to restaurant burgers, but to home-cooked burgers as well.  If you invite us over for burgers, your entry will be judged and rated accordingly.  Bring your best game.  All hamburgers are compared to some hazy standard known as "My Best Burger":  a mythological burger he grilled himself one afternoon when he was especially hungry.  

So just for him, I made Martha's Cheese-Stuffed Hamburgers.  Technically, it was a joint-effort. A sort of bovine tag-team:  I made the patties and he grilled them.

After adding Worcestershire sauce* and spices to the ground beef and dividing into mounds, take a piece of blue cheese and form a disc.  Make a well into the mound-o-meat and put the cheese inside.  Seal closed.  Now, form a patty and grill.  

Not quite My Best Burger, but I don't think my hubby would mind testing this one out a few (dozen) more times.

* I love the name Worcestershire sauce.  It's like gymnastics for your mouth.

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