Monday, July 23, 2012

Day One Hundred Thirty Seven: It's Not the Gift, It's the Monogram That Counts

When you have young children, you attend a lot of birthday parties.  It seems like every weekend we go to at least one party for kids.  This weekend we attended a party for my son's friend, Oliver.  Once I wrapped the gift, I helped my son make Martha's Monogram Gift Tag.

Well, what actually happened is that my son and I each cut out a letter and we used the one that turned out best.  Natch, since I have thirty (or so) years of scissor-experience on him, mine was better, but it was a close call.    

Luckily, Oliver's name starts with an "O", so it was easy to make.  Thankfully it wasn't a "G".  That would have been tri-cky.

It turned out almost as cute as the name "Oliver".

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