Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Day One Hundred Thirty One: Zucchini Moment

I bought an adorable skirt recently. It's very Audrey Hepburn.  It's been hanging in my closet because I haven't been able to work myself into a mood to wear it.  I'm not having an Audrey Moment.

It reminds me of some zucchini I bought about a week ago.  It's been sitting in my crisper ever since...staring at me accusingly every time I open the refrigerator.   I'm sure the zucchini is about to go bad any day now, but I just can't bring myself to cook it.   I'm not having a Zucchini Moment either.

And unlike my Audrey Hepburn skirt, my zucchini isn't timeless.

In an effort to use the poor vegetable before it goes bad, I decided to make Martha's Marinated Zucchini Salad.  :points for not wasting food:  Sauté the onions, cut the zucchini and add the vinegar: this salad is idiot-proof.  Besides, what's not to love about a dish with six ingredients?

I'm off to my closet.  My Audrey skirt is waiting.


  1. Now uncooked zucchini? You're really pushing my comfort zone boundaries here.

  2. I'm a boundary-pusher. Some might even say a rebel. :couldn't get that out with a straight face:
