Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day One Twenty Six: Make Your Mama Proud Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are sort of like miniature cabbages.  They are the pariah of the vegetable patch and the bane of children everywhere.  Kids feed them to their dog or develop elaborate hide-it-in-the-napkin maneuvers.  Brussels sprouts are like a C-List Celebrity with bad plastic surgery and a drug problem.  They never get invited to the good parties, and if they show up, people are always a little disappointed.

I know this because I've been known to serve a roasted Brussels sprout or two at dinner parties. Guests usually look at me like I'm attempting to engineering some elaborate joke...Like maybe I'll bring out the real side later.  If they are brave (or hungry) enough to try them, however, they are always pleasantly surprised.

So as a champion of the Brussels Sprouts Cause, I made Martha's Caramelized Brussels Sprouts with Lemon.  It's a simple recipe that calls for you to splash fresh lemon juice on caramelized Brussels sprouts.  I was so excited to taste the cooked veggies, I may have tasted the Brussels sprouts before adding the lemon.  :Official Household Taste Tester:  Allow me to save you some effort:  the lemon here is totally unnecessary. In fact, just stop after you finish the caramelization part.

Now rush off to the store to buy some Brussels sprouts.  After you try this recipe, you can call your Mother and tell her you finally finished your Brussels sprouts.  No dog involved.  She'll be so proud.

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