Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day One Hundred Twenty Seven: Some Bunny Loves Asparagus

I never ate asparagus as a child.  I ate lots of other veggies, though.  My mother tricked me into eating broccoli as a toddler by insisting it was a "little tree" and I was giant.  (I currently use this trick on my own children.)  I would only eat cucumbers sliced into spears, never cut into circles.  And, I liked to bite into tomatoes like one would eat an apple. I refused to eat tomatoes sliced.

At age four, I was a white bunny for Halloween. The costume had a pink belly, large yarn tail and a headpiece with floppy ears.  For years afterward, whenever I would eat a raw carrot, I insisted on doing so in character, bunny ears and all.  I quit when I outgrew the costume, but raw carrots just aren't the same without it.

I was a peculiar child.

But since becoming an adult, asparagus has become a household favorite.  My husband claims part of the appeal is the reminder you receive when you visit the restroom afterward.  Typical boy.  I can't agree with his assessment.  I think it's just plain good and easy to make.  Martha's Sauteed Asparagus with Dijon Vinaigrette jazzes it up with an easy dressing that you can drizzle over the asparagus.

It tastes good with or without bunny ears.  Costume entirely optional.

1 comment:

  1. Your odd childhood eating habits make me love you even more.
