Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day One Hundred Ninety Six: Someone's Favorite Apple Tart

Yesterday Martha featured her Individual Cinnamon-Apple Tart on the homepage of  Apple pie has been my husband's favorite dessert since childhood, so I thought I would try the recipe.  The crust is made with pizza dough--either homemade or the stuff you buy from the grocery.  I bought mine from the grocery, so I started with this:

I cut the apples and my son used his amazing stirring abilities to mix everything together.  He even helped lay the apples on the dough.  Pop it in the oven for thirty minutes and you have this delicious apple tart:

Unfortunately, when I told my husband I had made his favorite dessert he responded, "Oh! You made bread pudding?"

Apparently bread pudding is now his favorite dessert.

Who are you and what did you do with my husband?

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