Monday, September 3, 2012

Day One Hundred Eighty One: Constitutional Burgers

It's Labor Day.

This is the day you are supposed to lay down your heavy workload and rest your weary bones.  Or as my son said, "the day to rest your weary load".  Indeed.

It's also the day you are Constitutionally Required* to grill hamburgers.  If you didn't grill burgers, someone in your neighborhood might report you to the hamburger-equavlent of the IRS.  Just be prepared.
* Not really.  I took a Constitutional Law class and there was nothing about burgers in it.

I made Martha's Cheddar-Stuffed Burgers.  These are surprising.  Just imagine finding a piece of melted cheese the size of your thumb inside your hamburger.  It's fabulous.  It's like a meat version of a Twinkie.  That might sound gross to you but your husband will appreciate the mental picture.

If you didn't make burgers today, I hope you at least ate one.  If not, just tell them you saw the above photo.  That should count for something.

My husband wants me to add that he made Martha's Sweet-and-Sticky Grilled Drumsticks.  

The sweet glaze was very good, although it took 45 minutes to simmer and that was before the drumsticks went on the grill.  I would like to claim some sort of victory, but I was the one inside tending the simmering sauce for 45 minutes while my husband played outside in the pool.  Who was the winner there?

Happy Labor Day!

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