Monday, September 17, 2012

Day One Hundred Ninety Three: Here, Fishy Fishy

I bought my three-year old daughter a fish on Friday.  This is her second pet fish attempt since we found her first fish floating a few weeks ago. She was not at all bothered at the passing of Fish #1.  Her new fish is named Prince Charming.

That info is part of a greater story.  Bear with me.....

After I made that salmon the other day, we had plenty of leftovers.  I decided to use them in Martha's Salmon Cakes.  You could use any fish or shellfish for this recipe, and you probably have all the ingredients in your pantry.  (No really, you probably do.)  My three-year old daughter helped me make these...and by "help" I mean stood next to me and asked repeatedly what I was making.

Her:  Mom, what are you making?
Me:  I'm making Salmon Cakes, sweetie.
Her:  Salmon Cakes?  What are you putting in that bowl?
Me:  It's breadcrumbs.
Her:  Breadcrumbs? What are you making?
Me:  Salmon Cakes.  They are like little hamburgers made from fish.
Her:  :studies bowl:  Hey! Why are you putting an egg in there?
Me:  The egg helps everything stick together.
Her: What you making?
Me: Salmon cakes, sweetie.  Salmon cakes.

I didn't think anything I said had registered with her.  When I dropped her off at school, however, her teacher asked what she did this weekend.  My daughter responded that she:
1) Got a new pet fish,
2) Her pet fish died, and
3) She made "fish burgers".

I'm pretty sure Prince Charming just became dinner.

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