Monday, September 24, 2012

Day Two Hundred One: Last-Minute Salad

Yesterday we had a last-minute guest for dinner.  I'm always happy to have guests, but sometimes the contents of my refrigerator don't reflect that sentiment.  For instance, yesterday I was running low on fresh vegetables.  I had a bunch of bell peppers, some carrots and just enough salad greens for one person.  Random.  Luckily Martha came to my rescue with her Layered Summer Salad.  (I know I bid Summer farewell several days ago, but this was an emergency.)  

Do you have any kitchen tools that are supposed to make your meal preparation quick, but ultimately end up making it longer?  My mandolin is like that. I tried to use it to chop up all the vegetables, but evidentially it was on strike.  It shredded my peppers and mangled my carrots. It refused to cut any ingredients; and, the only thing it sliced was my finger.  

Stupid mandolin.

So instead of taking five minutes to cut all the ingredients, it took me about thirty....and that includes the time it took me to hunt down a bandage for my finger. 

But the salad is really very pretty.  Martha suggests that it's a great salad to bring to a party.  It's very refreshing.  I put my five salad leaves in the middle, just to add a little green. 

Now I'm off to negotiate terms with my mandolin.  Maybe it will come back to work for me.

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