Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day Three Hundred Ten: Skinny Beef Tacos

It seems like weight-loss is at the top of everyones's resolution list.  It's definitely on mine.  As a result, I'm trying to cook healthier dishes.  I thought Martha's Lighter Beef Tacos would be a nice start.  My family loves tacos and so this would be an easy sell.

It's not like I'm asking them to eat tofu.

This recipe is much like a regular taco recipe, expect Martha adds onions and bell peppers to the lean beef.  The result is an almost-hidden serving of veggies.  Add some shredded lettuce and salsa.  Skip the sour cream and cheese and you have a pretty healthy taco.

Surprisingly my husband loved these...even when he realized I had surreptitiously added veggies to his precious meat.

I'm like a culinary secret agent.  

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