Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day Three Hundred: Lucky Grapes

Can you believe three hundred days have passed?  It's been a blur, and I can hardly believe I'm nearly finished with this crazy long little project.

At any rate, Happy New Year!  I'm rather belated with my felicitations, but do forgive me.  I've been just a tad busy gaining ten pounds.

Or so it feels.

I did, however, have time to read up on all the Lucky Foods one is supposed to eat either at Midnight or on New Year's Day.  If you eat all these foods, you'll definitely gain ten pounds, if you haven't already.

:Puts Weight Watchers on Speed Dial:

One easy and low-calorie idea is Martha's Lucky Grapes.  In Spain, revelers mark the New Year by quickly eating a dozen grapes at midnight.  The fruits are a predictor of the year ahead:  each sweet grape represents a good month, each sour grape a not-so-lucky one.

Martha suggest skewering your grapes and serving them in a glass of champagne.  Hers looked like this:

Mine looked like this:

Now seriously, this is a pretty tall Champagne glass.  I'm not sure if Martha used miniature grapes or if her Champagne glass is like a Big Gulp, but my drink looked ridiculous.    

But all my grapes were sweet.

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