Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day Three Hundred Six: Return of the Banana Bread

Months ago I had an epic banana bread disaster.  I made Martha's Banana Bread using a slightly smaller bread pan than the recipe suggested.  After much of the banana bread had escaped its pan, fell to the bottom of the oven and filled the house with smoke, I realized the importance of a correct-size pan. My house smelled like burned bananas for days.

Lesson #1:  If a specific-size pan is called for, use it.

After this disaster, I tried the same Banana Bead recipe again, using the correct pan.  I was determined that it was going to be delicious:  it has sour cream in it, for goodness sake!

Alas, my banana bread was lovely and moist, but nothing to get excited about. I kept searching for a great recipe.  I've found a few good ones, but kept coming back to this recipe.  Maybe the sour cream was calling my name. I don't know. 

So Sunday I gave the sour cream banana bread another try.  This is the last time, I swear.  I felt like I was taking back a worthless ex-boyfriend, actually.  I had pretty low expectations.

The good thing about this banana bread is that is comes together lighting fast.  Truly, it goes into the oven in less than twenty minutes.  And thanks to the sour cream, it is also very moist.  

The disappointing thing is that this recipe isn't that great.  It's always a little dense.  I'm not a true baker, but I know that baking soda causes baked goods to rise.  I'm wondering if there is not enough baking soda in this recipe, or if the baking soda in my pantry is suspect.  

I know I said I wouldn't, but I may have to try this recipe again...with new baking soda.  

Didn't I say something about a worthless ex-boyfriend? 

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