Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day Three Hundred Eight: Organize Your Kitchen Cabinets

January always makes me want to get my house in order.  Right now, my kitchen cabinets are horrendous.  This is partly due to mediocre organization, and partly due to the fact that my one-year daughter thinks the cabinets are her own personal playground.  If the cabinets are her playground, the contents are a small stainless-steel toy store.  This is a photo of a fairly-organized cabinet, prior to toddler infestation.

I decided to take Martha's advice on Drawer Organization and install drawers and a lid organizer in my cabinets. This allows you to easily access those deep lower cabinets...without having to physically crawl inside.   My favorite store, the Container Store, sells these chrome roll-out drawers and lid holders.  This is my newly organized cabinet with drawers:

These drawers have been installed for a few days now.  I have to smile every time I open the cabinet.  It looks fabulous.  If you come over and all the doors of my cabinets are flung open, please don't question my sanity.  I'm simply reveling in my newfound cabinet organization.

p.s.  My daughter is in heaven.  Her favorite playground has new toys! At least the drawers make cleanup a cinch.

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