Friday, June 15, 2012

Day One Hundred One: Nothing To Go Banana Bread About

My kids love bananas.  They eat bananas contantly.  Except when they don't eat bananas constantly and I'm left with over-ripe bananas.  I never know when to expect this banana boycot and so I'm sometimes left with an armful of over-ripe bananas.  I freeze them to use for banana bread later.  Right now, my freezer is nearly filled to capacity with bananas.  It's banana bread time.

:cue MC Hammer:

Actually, I tried Martha's banana bread once before and it didn't work out.  Martha calls for a 9 x 5 x 3-inch loaf pan.  I used a slightly smaller loaf pan.  The result was that a good deal of the banana bread spilled over the edges of the loaf pan and into the oven.  The resulting smoke not only set off the smoke detectors, it also caused the entire loaf of banana bread to smell like smoke.

Needless to say I threw that loaf away.

So I thought I should try the recipe again.  This time with the correct-size loaf pan.

This recipe has a secret ingredient:  

:dramatic pause:

Sour. Cream. 

(Okay, maybe it's not really secret.  Maybe you've heard of using sour cream in your banana bread before.  I had not, so it was a secret for me.)  At any rate, the sour cream makes the most yummy creamy batter.  You just want to eat it up before it goes in the oven.
(It looks better in person).

This time all my banana bread stayed in the loaf pan and it turned out beautifully.

The resulting (sour-cream-infused) banana bread is very moist...
...but nothing to run shouting down the street about.  I had such high hopes, too.  My family will eat it, but I will continue looking for an amazing banana bread recipe.

I have a bumper crop of frozen bananas to experiment on.

1 comment:

  1. Try these bad boys:

    I sub apple sauce for the oil, use any dried fruit and add a few Choco chips for sass.
