Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day Ninety Eight: Marry Tender Ribs

Bar-b-que Ribs are one of my guilty pleasures.  I don't know who loves them more:  me or my husband.  I frequently ask beg him to make ribs.  This occasionally takes some eyelash-batting, but he usually relents.  Really good ribs are too time-consuming to be a week-night meal, but today I wanted some.  The grill is not my territory (after all isn't that what we have men for?) but I have been known to try them inside, not with much success.  Nevertheless, when I saw Martha's recipe for Braised Short Ribs, I thought I might give it a try.

My son also loves ribs.  When he saw I was making them, he hopped into action.  Little hands dusting the short ribs in flour:

The ribs are then browned in a Dutch oven:

Browned ribs:

Then you throw in some veggies and brown those guys too:

Throw in some broth and a (whole!) bottle of wine:

Then throw the ribs in the pot, put it in the oven for two hours and you have this:

A-maz-ing.  These ribs are melt-in-your-mouth, fall-off-the-bone, there-won't-be-any-leftovers-so-you-better-eat-your-full good.  Forget Engagement Chicken.  I'm pretty sure my husband would have married me all over again after these ribs.  Eyelash batting not needed.

1 comment:

  1. *Frantically adds this recipe to my recipe spreadsheet*
