Monday, June 25, 2012

Day One Hundred Nine: Merry Christmas Body Oil

The weather was a little sketchy at the beach today, which gave me a moment to make Martha's DIY Grapeseed Body Oil.  Now that my skin has been scrubbed, Martha suggests keeping it moisturized with body oil.  Martha recommends using grapeseed oil for its antioxidant properties and lightweight feel.

To make the body oil, all you do is mix the grapeseed oil with any fragrant essential oil.  I made a couple, just to try them out.  I choose lavender (because I love the smell) and peppermint (because I'm hoping the minty smell will clear out my stuffy nose).

Just as Martha promised, the grapeseed oil isn't heavy and soaks into your skin quite quickly.  Both the lavender and the peppermint essential oils smelled lovely, as expected.  The peppermint body oil, while moisturizing, had other unanticipated qualities.  When the rain stopped, I applied the peppermint body oil and left to take in some shopping.  A few minutes later, I began to experience a lovely cool sensation, which quickly turned into a vague tingling.  After half an hour, I had a sneaking suspicion I smelled like Bengay.  Worried, I began to follow a group of senior citizens, hoping the other shoppers would associate the eau de medicine cabinet aroma with them, and not me.  I realized I was unsuccessful when a nearby child asked his mother why it smelled like Christmas.

I guess smelling like Santa is better than smelling like I robbed a nursing home.

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