Friday, June 8, 2012

Day Ninety Three: Oh Brother, Where Art Thou Seafood?

In case you were wondering, I have the best big brother ever.  (I have two rockin' big sisters, too, but I will sing those praises later.)  One of the reasons: my bro is a big fisherman and every time he goes fishing he brings me back something good.

And if I haven't said before:   I  :heart:  seafood.

For me, fresh seafood is right up there with my two favorite food items:
1) things-stuffed-with-cheese, and
2) things-wrapped-in-bacon.

So, I hit the seafood jackpot this week when my brother brought me some very fresh tuna. I had to take advantage and make Martha's Seviche and her Tuna Tartare.  Since both are basically raw fish, very fresh seafood is imperative.

The seviche "cooks" in citrus juice, so this recipe starts by soaking the tuna in lime juice for four hours:
(That is my son's styracosaurus dinosaur mask in the background. He was a dinosaur today.)

When it's ready you add the meat to the fresh veggies and avocado:

The divine result:
Technically I was supposed to use a white fish, but the end product did not suffer for the substitution.  De-lish.  

I took the other tuna and made Martha's Tuna Tartare.  There is no pretense with this dish.  It's not "cured".  It's just raw. 

Fish being mixed with chives (from my garden), mayo and soy sauce:

Martha recommends serving the tartare on a waffle-cut potato chip....Yes, a potato chip. Believe it.

This recipe, while excellent and very simple, is erroneously touted as being "spicy" tuna tartare.  I tripled the Sriracha (Asian chili sauce), before I just started squirting the stuff in the mix until I thought it was spicy enough.  Apparently whoever wrote this recipe also wrote Martha's recipe for Jambalaya.  That is to say, if the original recipe is spicy, I'm the Queen of England.

The next time I hit the seafood jackpot, I will make these again.  If you ever hit the seafood jackpot, give me a call.  I'll be happy to bring the Sriracha and potato chips.    

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