Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day Three Hundred Thirty Eight: Cinnamon Buns

With all these photos I've been snapping and saving lately, my poor little computer is filling up.  He's like your grandpa after Thanksgiving dinner:  slow and sleepy.  I've made some efforts to clean up and delete extra files, but in my deleting fervor, I permanently deleted some photos for this blog that I had not posted yet.

:bangs head against wall:  

So, while on Thursday I made Martha's Cinnamon-Nut Buns, (sans nuts) this is the only photo you will see to illustrate their yummy goodness.  Martha's photo:

Since you won't get to see the photo of the cinnamon buns I made, I might be tempted to tell you how wonderful they were and how I basically knocked this recipe out of the proverbial ballpark.

I didn't.

The baseball metaphor may still be appropriate, however, since my cinnamon buns were hard as rocks.  

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