Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day Three Hundred Fifty Six: Oh Snap! Snapper

I saw Martha's recipe for Snapper with Bell Pepper Salsa on Monday and I rushed out and quickly bought the ingredients.  (Well, as much as one can rush out and do anything with three children in tow. It took us a good half and hour to locate a favorite pair of shoes for the trip. But I digress.)  The dish is simple, colorful and oh-so-good.

Make the salsa by combining red bell pepper, avocado, jalapeno, onion, lime juice, olive oil and fresh herbs. I used cilantro.  Cook the snapper for about five minutes until opaque throughout.

Divide salsa among four lucky people. Top with snapper.

The salsa was so good, my husband and I actually had a brief fork squirmish over who was going to eat the last of this salsa.

I let him win, but only after I extracted a promise from him to do the dishes.

(Are you taking notes, ladies?)

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