Friday, February 1, 2013

Day Three Hundred Twenty Six: Camp Coleslaw

My husband loves coleslaw.  Any sort of vegetable cut up into a semblance of "slaw" is good for him.  He's usually tickled.  (I am not in the traditional Coleslaw Camp, myself.  Never been a fan. Vegetables swimming in mayo?  No thank you.  I don't care how many raisins you throw in there.)

Earlier in the week I made Martha's Cabbage-and-Raisin Slaw.  Since I am terribly smart, I purchased the pre-cut cabbage and saved myself several minutes of cutting and slicing.  If you are like me, you'll be happy to know the mayo is no where in sight.  The dressing is made with lemon, mustard and olive oil. The recipe is indecently easy.  It's the sort of recipe that I made in my pretend kitchen as a child:  just toss all the ingredients in the bowl and mix.

Of course, my husband loved this recipe.  I don't think he even noticed the missing mayo.

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