Monday, April 16, 2012

Day Forty One: Honey, I Burned the Cookies

My son is studying insects this week at school.  I learned this because I received an email from his teacher asking that each child bring to school an insect in a jar that he found from home.

Yes:  Found. From. Home.

My first thought was:  I spend a significant percentage of my existence making sure there are no bugs in my home.

My second thought was:  oh, from home.  She probably meant insects that we found from home outside.


I was trying to think about what I could do to contribute to the topic, when I found Martha's Honey Lace Cookies.  Honey...Bees...Insects...Get it?

Best part:  there are only five ingredients.  And one is salt.

Melted ingredients:

Cookies spooned onto cookie sheet waiting to be cooked.

Finished cookies:
It makes a really delicate, lacy cookie.  Perfect for a shower or tea.

The cookies are so thin, my son took one look at them and decided they weren't "real" cookies.  He couldn't tell me what they were, but was adamant they were not cookies.

One teensy problem with this recipe:  since the cookies are so delicate, they burn rather easily.  I guess I won't be taking them to school since I burned half the batch.  One that made the cut:

And now I'm off to find an insect.  Outside.

1 comment:

  1. My mom made lace cookies every year at Christmas. I don't carry on the tradition because 1) they are easily burned (or did you know that??), and 2) when not burnt they are so good I can/will eat the entire batch by myself. In one sitting. *belch*
