Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day Thirty Nine: Do-Over Sugar Cookies

After the disastrous birthday Puzzle Cookie yesterday, I woke up ready to tackle another, if much simpler, cookie gift. I was half expecting Oops, I did it again to become my theme song.  I had some of the sugar cookie dough left and a cute little box, so I thought I could make some little cookies to fit inside. *  I could make recruit my kids' help with the sprinkles, so it would be a success from one point:  it would give them something constructive to do inside on a rainy humid day. Mommy has her hair to think of.

Roll of sugar cookies with sprinkles

 Child labor: Sprinkling the cookies.

Cookies ready for the oven: 

Delicious cookies straight from the oven:

Cute little box:

Cookies in the box:

*In truth, it was blind luck that the cookies fit so perfectly into the box.  Had I tried to make them fit into this box, you would be reading an amusing account of how I broke all the cookies trying to fit them in. :Thank you, cookie fairy:

Now this is a gift I can be proud of:  a dozen little sugar cookies in a ridiculously cute box.  :pats self on back:  They look so good, I'm glad I have this proof that I made them.  No one will believe me.

Happy Birthday, little guy.

1 comment:

  1. Way to make lemons out of lemondae! Er, cookies out of cookie dough! v.v. cute.
