Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day Forty Six: Pretty Good Fudgy Brownies

Our family visited some friends yesterday.  The lady of the house kindly allowed me to bring a treat for the kiddos.  I decided to bring Martha's Fudgy Brownies with ganache.  Kids like brownies and these looked pretty darn good.  And they were pretty good.

Too bad my girlfriend also made brownies....and her brownies out brown-ied mine.  If it was a battle, it would have been a bloodbath.  And she would have been the conquering hero. 

If I had known she was going to make brownies, I would have made something different, like Martha's chocolate chip cookies.  I would have brought my A-game.  

I'm not exactly sure what my A-game is, but I would have brought it over.  

If my friend will share her recipe (hint hint) I will share it with you.  Then you can make both recipes and see which you prefer.   I'm going to bet it won't be these fudgy brownies.  

How can you lose with a start like this?

Cooked brownies:  The recipe makes about nine brownies but the ganache recipe makes enough for about seven batches of brownies...

So you end up with icing that's approximately an inch thick.

Still, they are pretty good.  Not A-game, but pretty darn good.

1 comment:

  1. I feel bad on two fronts: one, that I was unclear about my intentions to make brownies, thus causing Browniegate, and two, that NO brownies, not even your ganachealicious ones, could compete with a creation named the "Knock You Naked Brownie":

    I double the cake part and make in a 9x13 pan, keeping the caramel concoction the same as called for in the recipe.
