Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day Twenty Nine: Ode to the Boiled Egg

You weren't expecting an actual ode to the boiled egg were you?  Because I don't really rhyme.  I gave it up for Lent.

Or something like that.

We have an egg hunt for our kiddos and family every Easter. While I'm sure it is nothing like Martha's Easter Egg Hunt, the kids look forward to it.  But it means I must boil and dye several dozen eggs.  The prospect is always a little daunting...I'm always afraid that I will under-boil the eggs and wipe out the entire family in one fell swoop.  I imagine the headlines:

Mother Kills Entire Family with Easter Egg Blunder

Mom Claims She "Thought The Eggs Were Cooked" 

Egg Hunt Gone Wrong

Martha gives us tips for Perfect Hard-Boiled Eggs  and I followed them to the letter...Let this serve as evidence of any lack of premeditation on my part.

Eggs covered by one inch of water:

Water brought to boil:

I even checked one just to make sure:

Perfectly cooked.

Looks like our Easter should be Salmonella free.

Now, on to writing that Ode...

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