Monday, April 2, 2012

Day Twenty Seven: Some Bunny Can't Fold Napkins

Easter is in a few days.  I've been preparing so much for our out-of-town guests that I've forgotten about the actual Easter luncheon.  I feel like a General going into battle without his troops.

Today I was brainstorming about the place settings.  These Bunny Fold Napkins are too cute for words and I think all the kids will find them irresistible.

I'm thinking yellow for Easter so I brought out these pale yellow napkins to try:

Following the directions I folded the napkin into thirds:

And made it look like a paper airplane:

It was good up until this point where the folds started to get baffling:

...I'm not sure what is going on here...I think I'm still following directions...
...What in the world?....

This looks like a bunny is hiding behind my napkin.  Not quite what Martha had in mind...

So I start over...

At some point, I waved a magic wand over the napkin, yelled Shazam! and this happened:

This result looks much more like Martha's version, but since mine is in yellow, it looks like a cross between the Easter Bunny and the tail of a rubber duckie...or just a dismembered rabbit. 

No matter!  I'm going to waddle hop on, and continue making more dismembered bunnies for Easter luncheon.

By the time you read this, I will have made an army of little bunny heads ready for Easter battle.


1 comment:

  1. Oh thank you, thank you for the morning laugh - after the day I had yesterday I wasn't sure if I could manage a chortle any more! I love your rubber duckie tails - and your pluck...or duck???
