Friday, April 6, 2012

Day Thirty: Child Labor: Not Just for the Third World OR Egg Dying with Kids

My three sweet nieces are visiting for a few days.  They range in age from seven to twelve.  Being a little older than my kids, they are perfectly suited to help in the kitchen.  If you have youngsters, put those little hands to work! The two youngest jumped at the chance to dye eggs, while the eldest thought egg dying was as cool as her parents' taste in music.

A few years ago I followed Martha's suggestion and used beets and cabbage to create natural dye, but this year I went the easy route and just purchased the stuff from the store. I did try Martha's marbleizing technique but even this simple technique was beyond our abilities today.

Little hands slaving away:

As you can see, our marbleized eggs look more like cheap formica.

 Thankfully, the kids don't seem to be bothered by our fruitless attempts at creativity. And no one complained about my use of child labor.  Next year I might put the neighbors' kids to work too.

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