Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day Thirty Five: Attack of the Easter Eggs: Egg Salad Sandwich

Last night I made Deviled Eggs from my leftover Easter eggs. I thought I had used all the eggs, but apparently I missed one.  When I opened the refrigerator this morning, the little basket where I keep eggs was full of colored, boiled eggs.

Easter eggs.

I *knew* those buggers multiply overnight.

To save myself from further reproduction and eventual poultry onslaught, I grabbed the eggs and made Martha's Egg Salad Sandwich.  It was delicious, and did not contain any butter.  :I'm looking at you Deviled Eggs:

Easter eggs stripped of their colorful shells:

The butter-free mix:

Yummy sandwiches:

Since uncovering the lair of eggs this morning, I've checked the refrigerator several times and I'm confident I've found all the Easter eggs.  I even checked behind the leftovers where they like to hide.

If there are more eggs tomorrow, I'm going to have the place fumigated.

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